Bunăstare digitală


  • Cuvinte cheie:
  • Media Literacy
  • Digital Security
  • Digital well-being
  • Resilience
  • Limbă:
  • Cuvinte cheie:
  • Media Literacy
  • Digital well-being
  • Resilience
  • Open Data
  • Communication
  • Limbă:
  • English
WITNESS is a human rights non-profit organisation based in Brooklyn, New York. Its mission is to partner with on-the-ground organisations to support the documentation of human rights violations and their consequences to further public engagement, policy change and justice.
  • Cuvinte cheie:
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Digital Security
  • Disinformation
  • Digital well-being
  • Communication
  • Limbă:
  • English
Guardian Project creates easy-to-use secure apps, open-source software libraries, and customised solutions that can be used around the world by any person looking to protect their communications and personal data from unjust intrusion, interception and monitoring.